Come and visit our friendly Guild where woodworking skills are fostered and shared.
Formed in 1983
Monthly talks
Regular hands-on workshops with experts
Access to specialised tools
Associated with the local Menzshed
There are several sub-groups within our guild.
Coordinator: John Piper
Ph â€027 453 8950‬
Meet on the first and third Saturdays
of the month, 9.30am until after lunch.
Naenae Menz Shed
Each session provides the opportunity to share ideas, techniques, and enhance individual skills.
Coordinator: Nick Crocker
Ph. 479 0404
Meet on the second Saturday following the Guild meeting 10.00am - 12:30pm
Various locations.
The aim of the meeting is to share ideas, techniques and enhance individual skills;
as well as actually making furniture of all kinds.
Coordinator: Sam Hillis
Ph. 529 7105
Meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of the month
7 - 9pm
Naenae MenzShed
The aim of the meeting is to share ideas, techniques, enhance individual skills;
as well as actually doing some carving.
Coordinator: Eric Cairns
Ph 526 7929
Ring Eric for times, location and programme for the Session.
Each session provides the opportunity to share ideas, techniques, and enhance individual skills.
Participants will make objects to keep.
Coordinator: Grant Miles
Ph 021 483 868
Meeting: Tuesdays 7.30pm at the Upper Hutt College, Moonshine Road, Upper Hutt
This is a group exploring use of laser cutters, engravers and CNC router machines.